Seedlist 2024/2025

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 1.Acantholimon acerosum 1800m Ermenek Turkey compact cushions 10-20cm pink flws sony slopes B 2.Acantholimon armenum 1500m AkDag Turkey silvery compact cushions red-rose flws 10-15cm sunny slopes B 3.Acantholimon birandii 1500m Karaman Turkey silver compact cushions pink flws 5-15cm dry stony slopes B 4.Acantholimon caryophyllaceum 1500m Elazig Turkey digger cushions to 20-30cm pink flws stony slopes B 5.Acantholimon kotschyi 1600m Askale Turkey silver greyi cushions pink flws 10-20cm stony slopes B 6.Acantholimon kotschyi ssp. laxispicatum Gok Pinar Turkey silver greyi cushions bracts oblong-lanceolate pink rose flws stony slopes B 7.Aconitum nemorosum 2400m T.Shan Kyrgystan 20-35 cm erect plant blue flws alpine meadows A 8.Aethionema armenum 2100m Ak Dag Turkey dwarf plant 5-10cm pink rose flws rocky slopis B 9.Aethionema caespitosum 2100m Palandoken Turkey dwarf compact cushions 5-10cm pink rose flws dry sunny hills B 10.Aethionema eunomonoides 1500m Imranly Turkey dwarf suffruticose plant 5-10cm pink rose flws rocky slopes B 11.Aethionema membranaceum 1600m Yozgat Turkey suffruticose plant woody many leaf stems 10-15cm pink flws screes B 12.Aethionema iberideum 1800m Tahtali Dag Turkey small suffruticose plant 4-10cm big white flws limestone rocks A 13.Aethionema schistosum 2100m Ermenek Turkey small prostate pl-grey linear lvs pink rose flws stonny slopes A 14.Aethionema saxatile 2100m S.Nevada Spain leafy stems 10-15cm pink rose flws stony slopes A 15.Aethionema stylosum 2500m Bolkar Dag Turkey leafy stems 10-15cm big white flws stony slopes A 16.Achillea alleppica ssp. alleppica 1800m Taškent Turkey silver-grey plants 10-15cm yellow flws dry hills A 17.Achillea ageratifolia 1800m Durmitor Makedonie silver grey plants 15-20cm white flws sunny slopes A 18.Achillea atrata 2000m Fagaras mts Romania silvery greyi plants 10-20cm 10-20cm white flws stony slopes A 19.Achillea falcata 2100m Sultan Dag Turkey silvery lanata linear lvs yellow flws 10-20cm stony slopes A 20.Achillea holosericea 1800m Mavrovo Monte Negro cushions of pinnate white lanate lvs yellow flws limestone rocks A 21.Achillea armenum 1800m AkDag Turkey doselly tufted plant 15-30cm white flws rocky slopes A 22.Achillea lycaonica 1700m Burdur Turkey silvery-grey plant 10-20cm white solitare flws stony slopes A 23.Achillea teretifolia 2100m Sultan Dag Turkey dosely tufted plants 10-20cm white flws stony slopes A 24.Achillea gypsicola 1800m Cankiri Turkey silvery grey plant 5-10cm white flws stony slopes B 25.Alcea heldreichii 1200m Goreme Turkeytufted perens 50-80cm big white flws summer place A 26.Allium atrosanquinea 2400m T.Shan Kyrgystan 10-20cm pink flws linear lvs alpine meadows A 27.Allium carolinianum 3100m T.Shan Kyrgystan limestone scree 10-25cm rose flws in 4cm wide umoells A 28.A llium cupani ssp. hirtovaginatum 1800m Ulu Dag Turkey 5-10cm white-rose flws stony slopes A 29.Allium caeruleum 2800m Ala Archa Kyrgystan 10-20cm pale blue flws stone alpine meadows A 30.Allium flavum 1700m Pirin mts Bulgaria 10-20cm,yellow flws stony slopes meadows A 31.Allium chrysanthum 4400m Anyemaqueen Shan China 10-20cm yellow flws stony slopes meadows A 32.Allium karataviense 1800 T.Shan Kyrgystan lanceolate lv. 10-15cm flore pink in umbells 5cm stony slopes A 33.A llium sp. 3000M Ala Archa Kyrgystan 10- 15cm yellow flws alpine meadows A 34.Alyssum aizoides 1800m Boz Dag Turkey silvery grey cushions 5-10cm yellow flws stony slopes A 35.Alyssum aurantiacum 1900m Tahtali Dag Turkey grey hairy suffruticose cushions 10-15cm yellow flws stony slopes A 36.Alyssum condensatum 1700m Burdur Turkey silvery grey cushions 10-15cm yellow flws stony slopes A 37.Alyssum caespitosum 2000m Gok Pinar Turkey very dwarf cushions yellow flws 5-10cm sunn stone hills B 38.Alyssum lepidotum 2800m Palandoken Turkey very dwarf cushions 5-10cm yellow flws sunny stony hills C 39.Alyssum lepidioides 2200m Sipikor Dag Turkey very dwarf cushions 5-10cm yellow flws stony hills B 40.Alyssum corningii 1800m Sultan Dag Turkey silvery grey cushions 5-10cm yellow flws sunny stone slopes A 41.Alyssum masmenaeum 2000m Sandras Dag Turkey dwarf grey plant 5-10cm yellow flws stony slopes A 42.Alyssum gehamense 2000m Tortum Turkey dwarf perenial stems 5cm pale crean flws slopes and screes 5-8cm C 43.Alyssum paphlaganicum 1800m Dirmill pass Turkey compact silver cushions 5-10cm yellow flws stonny hills A 44.Alyssum stylare 1800m Gumusane Turkey greyi hairy cushions many yellow flws 10-15cm gypssum hills A 45.Alyssum tetrastemon 2000m Sultan Dag Turkey dwarf grey plant 5-10cm yellow flws stonny slopes A 46.Alyssum sibiricum 1800m Sultan Dag Turkey silvery greyi cushions 10-15cm yellow flws stony slopes A 47.Alyssum haussknechtii 1800m Egin Turkey dwarf grey plant 5-10cm yellow flws stonny hills B 48.Androsace robusta v. Purpurea 4100m Anapurna Nepal small cushions 2-5cm red purple flws stony alpine meadows C 49.Androsace sarmentosa 3800m Langtang Nepal cushions silver lanate rose pink flws 5-10cm alpine meadows A 50.Androsace strigillosa 4100m Anapurna Nepal cushions of several rosettes 5-10cm deep purplish red flws alpine meadows A 51.Androsace villosa v. Conquesta 2300m Tahtali Dag Turkey very dwarf compact cushions 2-5cm white flws gravel places B 52.Androsace villosa ssp. glabrata 3000m Palandoken Turkey dwarf cushions 2-4cm white flws stony places B 53.Androsace villosa 1800m Vranica mts Bosna dense silver cushions white flws alpine meadows A 54.Anemone baldensis 2000m Alpy France pulsatilla likew lvs solitary white flws 15-20cm rock crevicess A 55.Anemone narcissiflora v.crinita 2100m Sajan mts Rusko tufted plants 20-30cm white flws alpine meadows A 56.Anemone polyanthes 3100m Rothang pass Indie tufted plants 20-30cm white flws alpine meadows A 57.Anemone proctata 2900m Talas-Ala-Too Kyrgystan tufted plant 10-20cm white flws alpine meadows A 58.Anemone rivularis 3600m Min Shan China tufted plant 20-40cm white to pale rose flws alpine meadows A 59.Anemone vitifolia 3800m Annapurna Nepal tufted plant 20-60cm white flws shruberries A 60.Anthemis aciphylla 1800m Sultan Dag Turkey compact grey cushions 10-20cm white flws stony slopes A 61.Anthemis carpatica 2400m Bucegi mts Rumunsko silver cushions lvs 10-20cm white flws stony slopes A 62.Anthemis cretica ssp. pontica 1800m Ulu Dag Turkey small silver cushions white flws 5-15cm stony slopes A 63.Anthemis cretica ssp.columnae 1800m Kajmackal Greece smal silvery grey cushions white flws 5-15cm stony slopes A 64.Anthemis cretica ssp. cretica 2100m Suva Gora Makedonie small silver lvs white flws 5-15cm stony slopes A 65.Anthemis cretica ssp. tenuifolia 1500m Parnass mts. Small silver cushions lvs white flws 5-15cm stony slopes A 66.Anthyllis montana 1700m Biokovo mts Chorvatia silvery-white-tomentose cushions white flws,10-20cm limestone rocky slopes A 67.Aquilegia dinarica 2200m Komovi Monte Negro tufted plant 20-35cm pale blue flws alpine meadows A 68.Aquilegia sibirica 1500m Sajan mts Rusko tufted plant 30-40cm pale blue flws alpine meadows A 69.Aquilegia velebetica 1900m Velebit mts tufted plant 10-20cm pale blue flws alpine meadows A 70.Arabis drabiformis 2200m Ulu Dag Turkey compact cushions 5-10cm green rosettes 5-10cm white flws stony slopes A 71.Arabis scopulinus 2200m Vranica Bosna dwarf cushions geen rosettes 5-10cm white flws rocky slopes A 72.Arenaria acerosa 2000m Sultan Dag Turkey dwarf cushions green rosettes 5-10cm white flws rocky slopes A 73.Arenaria ledebouriana v.ledebouriana 2100m Tahtali Dag Turkey dwarf compact cushions 5-10cm white flws mountain steppe B 74.Arenaria ledebouriana v. Pauciflora 2000m Sultan Dag Turkey dwarf compact cushions 5-10cm white flws mountain steppe B 75.Arenaria pseudoacantholimon 1800m Palandoken Turkey dwarf green cushions 10-15cm several white flws rocky slopes scree A 76.Arisaema flavum 3200m Garwall Himal Indie erect stems 10-20cm brownish yellow flws alpine meadows A 77.Arisaema jacquemontii 3500m Marhi Indie pinnate lvs. 15-30cm greenish flws alpine meadows forest clearings A 78.Arisaema tortuosum 2700m Garhwall Himal Indie robust plant 50-80cm bright rose flws rocky slopes A 79.Armeria caespitosa 1800m Quadarama Spain dwarf compact cushions 5-10cm bright rose flws rocky slopes B 80.Asphodellus tauricus 1400m Konovska hills Bulgaria sunny stone hills dense tufted peren 20-35cm white flws A 81.Aster alpinus 2500m Pirin mts Bulgaria small tufted plants 10-15cm blue flws limestone rocky slopes A 82.Aster alpigenus ssp. andersonii small tufted perenn 10-20cm blue flws rocky slopes garden seeds A 83.Aster falconeri 4100m Rothang pass Indie tufted plants 10-20cm big blue flws alpine meadows A 84.Aster flaccidus 4100m Serchu China dwarf subshrub 10-20cm pale blue violet flws alpine meadows A 85.Asyneuma liminifolia ssp. pestalozzae 2000m Boz Dag Turkey like above but flowering scapes branched above stony slopes B 86.Asyneuma liminifolium 2200m Ulu Dag Turecko tufted perenn 10-20cm pale blue flws limestone rocky slopes A 87.Asyneuma linifolia 1700m HonZ Dag Turkey tiny plant 10-20cm linear dentate lvs many of blue flws rocks crevices A 88.Aubretia canescens 2000m Dedegol Dag Turkey grey compact cushions 5-10cm violet flws rocky slopes A 89.Aubretia canescens ssp. cilicica 2200m, Sultan Dag Turkey grey compact cushions purple violet flws 5-10cm limestone rocks A 90.Aubretia deltoidea 1600m Boz Dag Turkey grey-green cushions 5-10cm pale violet flws rocky slopes A 91.Aubretia gracilis 2000m Pirin mts Bulgaria grey compact cushions 5-10cm pale violet flws rocky slopes A 92.Aubretia pinnardii 2100m Sultan Dag Turey grey-green cushions 5-10cm purple flws stony slopes A 93.Brassica repanda 2700m Alpy France densely tufted low perenn. Yellow flws 5-10cm limestone rocks A 94.Calochortus macrocarpus 1600m British Columbia Canada purple with a central geen stripe 8-20cm lilac blue flws loamy soils B 95.Campanula allionii 2000m Alpy France dwarf plant 5cm dark green narrow lvs 4-5cm long blue flws rocky slopes B 96.Campanula bellidifolia 2100m Caucasus Rusko compact cushions 5-10cm dark blue violet flws rocky crevicees A 97.Campanula cenisia 2800m Alps France very dwarf cushions 5-10cm solitary blue flws acidis rocks B 98.Campanula choruhensis 2200m Choruh Turkey leafy stems 10-15cm big cream flws acidis rocks C 99.Campanula leucosiphon Ak Dag Turkey caespitose perenn white flws limestone rocks 2-5cm C 100.Campanula myrtifolia 1600m Ojuklu Dag Turkey very dwarf cushions 2-5cm white to pale flws limestone rocks C 101.Campanula incanescens 3100m T.Shan Kyrgystan very small plant 5-10cm pale blue flws rocks crevices B 102.Campanula orbelica 2000m Bucegi mts Romania monocarpic plants 10-20cm many blue flws alpine meadows A 103.Campanula orphanidea 2000m Orelek mts Bulgaria dwarf beautiful decumbent plant 5-10cm pale blue flws stony meadows B 104.Campanula pallida 3900m Garhwall Himal Indie dwarf beautiful plant 2-5cm blue flws rocky crevices A 105.Campanula collina 1800m Caucasus Rusko erect stems 10-20cm blue flws gypsum hills A 106.Campanula rupicola 1800m Parnass mts Greece decumbent stems 10-15cm blue violet flws limestone rocks B 107Campanula solida 3600m Zhongdian range China very small plants 5-10cm pale blue flws rocks crevicess A 108.Campanula stricta ssp. stricta 2100m Ak Dag Turkey erect stems 15-20cm many blue flws sunny stone slopes A 109.Campanula stricta ssp.alidaghensis 1500m Goreme Turkey densely erect tufted stems 10-20cm many blue flws gypsum hills A 110.Campanula stricta ssp. libanotica 1900m Sultan Dag Turkey erect stems 10-20cm many blue flws gypsum hills A 111.Campanula topaliana 1600m Parnass mts Greece silver cordate lvs 5-10cm many of blue flws rocky slopes monocarp. A 112.Cassiope fastigiata 4000m Rothang pass Indie cushion of erect branches 10-15cm white flws alpine meadows A 113.Centaurea deflexa 1600m Takhent Turkey tufted plant 10-20cm rose-purple flws sunny rocky slopes B 114.Centaurea drabifolia ssp.drabifolia 1800m Ala Dag Turkey compact cushions linear-lanceolate lvs yellow flvs sunny stony slopes C 115.Cistus albanicus 1500m Albanie doorat shrub 30-50cm white flws sunny rocks hills A 116.Cistus creticus 1500m Kaz Dag Turkey shrub to 40cm rose pink flws sunny slopes A 117.Cistus laurifolius 1800m Dedegol Dag Turkey very dorat shrub to 1m big white flws sunny slopes A 118.Cistus parviflorus 1600m Boz Dag Turkey small shrub 20-40 cm pink rose flws sunny rocks hills A 119.Clematis alpina ssp. sibirica 3600m Ala Archa Kyrgystan porter branched to 2m white flws dry mountain steppe A 120.Clematis songarica 2200m T.Shan Kyrgystan very atractiv shrub 0.5-1m white flws rocky hills A 121.Codonopsis bulleyana 4200m Shaluli Shan China low plant with pale green 20-30cm alpine meadows shrub A 122.Codonopsis nervosa 3500m Min Shan China simile to above bud smaller blue flws alpine meadows re A 123.Codonopsis thalictrifolia 4400m Shaluli Shan China simile to above blue flws shrub meadows A 124.Colchicum doerfleri 2100m Galicica mts Makedonie spring flws 10-15cm white-pale flws sonny slopes B 125.Convonvolus holosericeus 1800m Bozkir Turkey leafy decumbent stems 10-20cm white flws dry slopes B 126.Convonvolus phrygius 1600m Salda lake Turkey dwarf compact cushions 2-5cm solitary white flws mount.steppe C 127.Coloteocarpus vesicaria 2000m Gumusane Turkey compact green cushions linear dentate lvs white flws stony slopes A 128.Cremathodium arnicoides 2500m Garhwal Himal Indie low plant solitare yellow plants 20-30cm open moist places A 129.Cremathodium lineare 3600m Min Shan China lanceolate lvs. 20-30cm yellow flws west places A 130.Cremathodium oblongatum 4200m Langtang Nepal low plant solitary yellow flws 20-30cm open moist meadows A 131.Cremathodium reniforme 4500m Shika Shan China caespitosa plant 10-20cm yellow flws alpine meadows A 132.Crocus banaticus 1800m Bucegi mts Bulgary purple violet flws alpine meadows 10-15cm autumn flowers B 133.Crocus af. Cancellatus 1800m Ulu Dag Turkey autumn flws grey-green glabrous 5-10cm white-blue flws stony slopes A 134.Crambe maritima 800m Bulgaria leaves alternately ovate branchep stalk 30-50cm stony slopes A 135.Cyclamen coum v. Caucasica 1600m Caucasus purple rose flws 5.10cm shady place B 138.Daphne alpina dwarf dwarf shrub 20-30cm white flws seed garden A 139-Delphinium confusum 3200m T.Shan Kyrgystan erect stems 15-30cm dark blue flws stony slopes A 140.Delphinium grandiflorum 3100m Quinghai China 20-40cm big deep blue flws alpine meadows A 141.Dianthus crinitus 1600m BabaDag Turkey tuft or small cushions 10-20cm white deeply cutted flws stony hills A 142.Dianthus haematocalyx ssp. pindicola 1800m Katara pass Greece very dwarf compact cushions 5-10cm pink rose flws stony slopes B 143.Dianthus leucophaeus 2200m Ulu Dag Turkey lax cushions glaucous lvs pink solitary flws 5-10cm limestone sunny slopes A 144.Dianthus pavonius 2700m Alp France cushions of linear glaucous green lvs 10-15cm red – rose flws alpine meadows B 145.Dianthus thymphrysteus 1800m Phyrgos mts. Greece very small plants 5-10cm red flws alpine meadows B 146,Diapensia purpurea 4700m Da-Xue-Shan China very dense compact cushions 5-10cm red purple flws stony slopes B 147.Draba bruniifolia 2200m Bolkar Dag Turkey grey cushions 5-10cm yellow flws limestone stony slopes A 148.Draba bruniifolia ssp. heterocoma 2200m Tahtali Dag Turkey dwarf grey cushions 5-10cm yellow flws rocky stona slopes A 149.Draba bruniifolia ssp. olympica 1900m Ulu Dag Turkey very compact cushions 5-10cm dark yellow flws stony slopes A 150.Dictamnus caucasicus 2400m Vrchni Balkarie Rusko strongly aromatic perenn 25-50cm violet flws alpine meadows A 151.Dracocephalum bippinatum 3100m T.Shan Kyrgystan tufted plant 10-20cm violet purple flws subnival scree B 152.Dracocephalum diversipilosum 3200m T.Shan Kyrgystan tufted plant 10-20cm glaucous deb. Lvs blue flws alpine meadows B 153.Dracocephalum nodulosum 3100m T.Shan Kyrgystan crenate lanceolate lvs 15-20cm white creame flws subalpine rocky slopes B 154.Dracocephalum multicaulis 2100m Aras Dag Turkey erect ascending plant 10-30cm dark blue flws alpine meadows B 155.Dianthus zonatus 1800m Bozkir Turkey cushion of very narrow lvs 10-20cm big pink flws stony slopes B 156.Ebenus plumosa v. Speciosa 1800m Ermenek Turkey large cushions silky silver lvs 10-20cm red-purple flws stony hills B 157.Edraianthus dalmaticus 1500m Orjen Monte Negro tufted plants linear green lvs 10-15cm blue flws limestone rocks B 158.Edraianthus graminifolius 2100m Komovi Makedonie tufted plants linear green lvs 10-15cm blue flws limestone rocks 159.Edraianthus graminifolius 1800m Pyrgos mts Greece as above diffrent locality A 160.Edeaianthus horvaticii 1800m Galicica Makedonia grey green cushions 5-10cm blue flws limestone rocks B 161.Edraianthus horvaticii 1800m Suva Gora Makedonie as above diffrent locality B 162.Edraianthus montenegrinus 1800m Komovi Monte Negro dwarf cushions 5-10cm big solitary blue flws limestone rocks B 163.Edraianthus montenegrinus v.durmitorensis 2200m Durmitor Maked. Dense dwarf cushions 5-10cm soliary big blue flws limestone rocks B 164.Edraianthus niveus 2300m Vranica Bosna dwarf cushion 5-10cm linear dwarf green lvs white flws limestone rocks C 165.Edraianthus piloselus 2100m Durmitor Makedonie very dwarf cushions 5-10cm big violacea flws limestone rocks C 166.Edraianthus pumilio 1500m Biokovo mts Croatia very dwarf dense cushions 5-10cm pale blue flws limestone rocks B 167.Edraianthus serbicus 1600m Konovska hills Bulgaria dwarf cushions 10-20cm 2-4 blue flws limestone rocks B 168.Edraianthus serpyllifolius 2100m Biokovo mts. Croatia very dwarf cushions 5-10cm big violet flws dark green lvs rocky slopes B 169.Edraianthus tenuifolius 1800m Biokovo mts. Croatia tufted plant linear green lvs 10-15cm violet blue flwsw limestone rocks A 170.Edraianthus zogovicii 2100m Komovi Monte Negro very dwarf cushions linear green lvs 5-10cm big blue flws crevices C 171.Ephedra gerardina 3800m Garhwall Himal Indie low to shrub 40cm red fruit stony hills A 172.Erigeron aurantiacum 3100m T.Shan Kyrgystan dark green lanceolate lvs 15-20cm orange flws alpine grassland B 173.Erigeron heterotheca 3500m T.Shan Kyrgystan dwarf tufted plant 10-20cm big solitary red-purple flws alpine meadows C 174.Erigeron petiolaris 3200m Talas-AlaToo Kyrgystan dark green lanceolate lvs 10-15cm dark blue flws alpine meadows B 175.Erigeron perregrinus 1800m Cascade mts Canada dark green lvs 10-20 cm violet flws stony slopes A 176.Erigeron kotschyanum 2800m Bolkar Dag Turkey dense cushions lineare green lvs 10-15cm yellow flws Turkey B 177.Erysimum cephalonicum 1800m Pyrgos mts Geece dwarf cushions lineare green lvs 10-20cm yellow flws rocky hills A 178.Eriogonum niveum 1800m Okanagan Canada shrubby perenial 20-30cm tall,cream to pink flws neutrail sol drained B 179.Eriogonum heracleioides 20-30cm B.Columbia Canada oblanceolate green lvs cream turning pink flws rockies C 180Eriogonum umbellatum v.subalpinum 1800m Oregon subshrub or perenial 8-30cm lvs rosetted bright yellow to cream flws rocky ridges C 181.Eriogonum umbellatum v.stellatum 1800m North.Carolina spathulate to obovate lvs. 8-30cm yellows flws alpine and subalpine C 182.Edraianthus wettsteinii v. Lovcenicus 1800m Lovcen Makedonie linears long lvs 5-15cm blue flws limestone rocks C 183.Eremurus fuscus 2100m T.Shan Kyrgystan rhizomatic plant 60-100cm smal orange flws mountain grassland A 184.Eremurus cristatus 2300m T.Shan Kyrgystan rhyzomatic plant 40-60cm white-rose flws mountain grassland A 185.Eremurus robustus 100-150cm 2300m T-Shan Kyrgystan tuberose plant 100-150cm white.pinkish flws mountain grassland A 186.Eremurus tianschanicum 2300m T.Shan Kyrgystan .rhizomatic plant 100-180cm white flws mountain grassland A 187.Eremurus sp. 2100m T.Shan Kyrgystan rhizomatic plant 50-80cm green-yellow flws dry steppe A 188.Eremurus sp. 2400M Catkal mts Kyrgystan rhizomatic pl 80-120cm creame flws mountain grassland A 189.Erythronium grandiflorum 1700m North Cascades Canada laeves plain 5-10cm floweres pure yellow alpine meadows C 190.Erythronium revolutum 1500m California leaves marbled flowers large pink 5-10cm mountain wodland C 191Erythronium revolutum Pink Beauty leaves marblend bright pink form B 192.Fritillaria montana 1800m Mavrovo Makedonie 10-20cm solitary brownish-purple flws limestone rocky slopes A 193.Fritillaria pinnardii 1800m Imranly Turkey 10-20cm solitary reddish purple flws open alpine meadows A 194.Fumana aciphylla 1800m Sandras Dag Turkey plant 20-25cm woody at base glaucous short lvs yellow flws screes stony slopes A 195.Gaultheria nummularioides 3500m Langtang Nepal prostate shrublet with flws 5-10cm alpine meadows A 196.Genista sagitata 1900m Velež Bosna dwarf grey hairy plant big yellow flws 10-20cm stony slopes A 197.Gentiana atuntsiensis 4200m Beima Shan China dense tufts of narrow bright green lvs 20-30cm blue flws alpine meadows B 198.Gentiana clusii 2100m Monte Baldo Italy cushions narrow grey-green lvs solitary dark blue flws 5-10cm sunny stone A 199.Gentiana clusii 2100m Tofana Italy as above diffrent locality A 200.Gentiana cruciata ssp. phlogifolia 1800m AkDag Turkey tufted plant erect ascending stems 20-30cm blue flws alpine meadows A 201.Gentiana dinarica 2200m Komovi Monte Negro compact cushions very good from 5-10cm big violet flws alpine meadows A 202.Gentiana dinarica 2300m Vranica mts Bosna as above diffrent localitty A 203.Gentiana crassifolia 4300m Shaluli Shan China robust plant 20-40cm whittish blue flws alpine meadows A 204.Gentiana erectosepala 4500m Shaluli Shan China tufted perenn 10-20cm creame white flws cold places meadows B 205.Gentiana kaufmanniana 3200m T.Shan Kyrgystan erect leafy stems 10-15cm big pale blue flws alpine meadows C 206.Gentiana kirilovii 3100m T.Shan Kyrgystan tufted perenn erect scapes to 35cm blue flws alpine meadows B 207.Gentiana lutea 1800m Alpy France robust perenn to 1m yellow flws alpine meadows A 208.Gentiana occidentalis 2100m Pik Europe Spain dwarf cushions or mats pale green lvs solitare blue flws alpine meadows A 209.Gentiana olivieri 1800m Askale Turkey dosely tufted narrow green lvs 10-20cm 4-10blue flws dry gypsum hills C 210.Gentiana prolata 4200m Langtang Nepal leafy stems 5-10cm very tine blue flws moist places B 211.Gentiana punctata 2100m Kajmackalan Greece big plant 30-50cm big yellow flws alpine meadows A 212.Gentiana robusta 4400m Annapurna Nepal but small lvs 20-50cm white flws alpine meadows stony hills A 213.Gentiana septemfida 2500m Soganly pass Turkey with decumbent stems 10-20cm dark blue flws alpine meadows A 214.Gentiana straminea 4100m Qilian Shan China horizontal leave rosette 10-20cm pale creame flws alpine meadows B 215.Gentiana striata 3500m Min Shan China decumbent ascending plant 10-20cm pale yellow flws shruberries A 216.Gentiana tianschanica 3200m T.Shan Kyrgystan tufted perenn narrow lvs 10-20cm pale blue flws alpine meadows A 217.Gentiana tibetica 4200m Shaluli Shan China simile to G. Crassicaulis white flws forest clearing meadows A 218.Gentiana tubiflora 4100m Rothang pass Indie dwarf cushions leafy stems 2-5cm big blue flwsalpine meadows B 219.Gentiana venusta 4100m Rothang pass Indie dwarf loose cushions of rounded rosettes 5-10cm blue flws alpine meadows B 220.Gentiana verna ssp. balcanica 1800m Ulu Dag Turkey more robust plant scapes to 5-10cm blue flws alpine meadows B 221.Gentiana zekuensis 3400m Datong Shan China taller peren 20-40cm blue flws alpine meadows forest A 222.Geum elatum 3100m Rothang pass Indie tufted perenn 10-20cm green pinnate yellow flws alpine meadows B 223.Geum montanum 2100m Pirin mts Bulgaria tufted perenn 20-30cm green pinnate lvs big yellow flws alpine meadows A 224.Gladiolus anatolicus 1800m Bozkir Turkey 20-35cm 2-4cm flws on scape 1-3lvs limestone stony slopes A 225.Globularia cordifolia 2100m Velež Bosna large cushions woody to base blue flws 5-10cm limestone rocks A 226.Globularia incanescens 1800m Apuanské Alpy very small plant silver lvs 10-15cm dark blue flws crevices rocks B 227.Globularia bisnagrica 1500m Vitosa mts Bulgaria low cushions or mate woody blue flws 10-15cm stony slopes A 228.Globularia orientalis 1600m Kara Dag Turkey several blue flws 10-20cm glaucous lvs stony slopes A 229.Globularia velutina 1500m Segovia mts Spain very compact glaucous plant 10-20cm blue flws sunny places A 230.Gueldennstaedtia himalaica 3600m Garhwall Himal cushions to small mats dark blue flws 5cm alpine meadows A 231.Gypsophylla viscosa 1800m Taskent Turkey compact dense cushions short linear lvs 10-15cm pink flws stony slopes B 232.Halimium atriplicifolium 1700m Segovia mts Spain shrub to 1m yellowish flws rocky slopes A 233.Halimium alysifolium 1700m S.Cabrrera Spain shrub to 20-30cm white flws sunny rocky slopes A 234.Halimium umbellatum 1800m S.Cabrera Spain small shrub to 20-30cm narrow greinish lvs sunny rocky slopes A 235.Halimium viscosum 1600m Segovia mts Spain small shrub 20-50cm white flws rocky slopes A 236.Hedysarum kumaonense 4100m Annapurna Nepal dwarf tufted peren 10-20cm purple flws rocky stone slopes A 237.Hedysarum pestalozzae 1600m Burdur Turkey cushions pinnate glaucous green lvs 10-20cm perple flws dry stonny hills B 238.Hedysarum syriacum 1800m Darende Turkey dwarf tufted perenn 20-30cm perple flws alpine meadows A 239.Hedysarum kirghisorum 3200m Pamir Kyrgystan dwarf tufted peren 15-30cm bright purple flws alpine meadows B 240.Hedysarum varium 1700m Sivas Turkey large cushions silvery green lvs 10-20cm yellow flws stony slopes A 241.Helianthemum canum ssp. balcanicum 2200m Pirin mts compact cushions 5-10cm deep yellow flws limestone rocky slopes A 242.Helianthemum germanipolitanum 1600m Cankiri Turkey tuft or erect leafy stems 10-15cm yellow flws sunny stone slopes A 243.Heleniopsis bullata 1500m Cascades mts Canada leaves small at flowering 20-30cm purple flws shady places A 244.Heuchera cylindrica 1800m Okanagan Canada densely tufted 15-30cm tall flowers reddish purple dry rocky slopes B 245.Helichrysum plicatum 1800m Sultan Dag Turkey large cushions white lanate lvs many of yellow flws sunny slopes B 246.Helichrysum arenarium 1800m Taskhent Turkey dense cushions woody at base strongly silvery lanate yellow flws 10-15cm dry hills B 247.Hemiphragma heterophyllum 4000m Da.Xue-Shan China creeping plant many pink flws 5-10cm red berries alpine meadows A 248.Heliosperma alpestris 1800m Mangert Slovinsko tuft or erect leafy stems 10-15cm white flws alpine grassland A 249.Hypericum lydium Sultan Dag Turkey dwarf cushions linear lvs 10-20cm dark yellow flws stony slopes A 250.Hypericum kazdaghensis 1900m Sandras dag. Turkey very dwarf plant 5-10cm glaucous short lvs bright yellow flws stony slopes B 251.CHorispora tenella 3200m T.Shan Kyrgystan dwarf caespitosa plants yellow flws 5-10cm glacia. Moraine B 252.Iberis pruitti 1800m Cheiron mts France dwarf plants 5-10cm white flws sunny stone slopes A 253.Iberis sempervivoides 2000m Sultan Dag Turkey suffruticose plant 5-10cm white flws stony slopes A 254.Iberis taurica 2500m Bolkar Dag Turkey dwarf plants snow white flws 5-10cm stony slopes A 255.Inula acaulis ssp. caulescens 2100m Sultan Dag Turkey dwarf peren 10-20cm 1-3 yellow flws alpine grassland B 256.Inula rhizocephalla 3100m T.Shan Kyrgystan dwarf caespitose plant 5-10cm yelow flws alpine grassland A 257.Incarvillea compacta 4100m Serchu China short stemed plants 10-15cm red purple flws sunny slopes B 258.Incarvillea delavayi 4200m Chola Shan 15-30cm pink purple flws alpine meadows A 259.Incarvillea mairei 4200m Shaluli Shan China 15-25cm red purple flws alpine meadows A 260.Incarvillea zhongdianensis 3100m Zhongdian range China simile to commpact big red flws sunny and loamy places B 261.Iris danfordiae 1600m Askale Turkey low plant 5-10cm white-yellow flws stony slopes B 262.Iris halophylla 1800m T.Shan Kyrgystan tufts 20-40cm 2-5 lila blue flws clearing meadows A 263.Iris lactea 2500m T.Shan Kyrgystan cushions of linears lvs 30-60cm violet flws alpine meadows A 264.Iris millesii 2300m Manali Indie cushions linear lvs 30-60cm violet flws alpine meadows A 265.Iris ruthenica 2300m T.Shan Kyrgystan dosely rhizomatic plant 10-20cm light blue flws limestone rocks B 266.Jasione laevis 1600m Quadarama Spain 10-15cm glabrous rounded lvs 10-15cm blue flws A 267.Jasione orbiculatum 2100m Kajmackalan Greece dwarf plant 5-10cm pale blue flws alpine meadows A 268.Jasione supina ssp.supina 1800m Ulu Dag Turkey dwarf plant 5-10cm creamy pale blue flws alpine meadows B 269.Jasione heldreichii 1800m Rila mts Romania about 10-20cm tall shortly stiffly hairy lvs blue flws alpine meadows A 270.Knautia albanica 2100m Smolikas Greece tufted peren rose pink flws pinnate green lvs10-20cm limestone rocky slopes A 271.Knautia degenii 1800m Sandras Dag. Turkey very small plants 10-15cm white flvs pinnate green lvs rocky slopes A. 272.Korolkovia sewertzovii 3100m T.Shan Kyrgystan bulb plant 20-40cm green braun flws alpine meadows B 273.Kalmia microphylla 1500m British Columbia Canada 10-20cm erinacea plants pink rose flws alpine meadows B 274.Lallemantia canescens 2400m Aras Dag Turkey tufted perenn 10-20cm glaucous dentate lvs dark blue flws B 275.Lavandula angustifolia 1800m Segovia Spain low grey tufted aromatic shrublet 20-30cm purple flws alpine meadows A 276.Leontopodium fedtschenkoanum 3100m T.Shan Kyrgystan grey silvery plants 10-20cm star-like flws alpine meadows A 277.Leontopodium halophyllum 3400m Shaluli Shan China dwarf cushions silvery hairy rosettes 10-20cm alpine meadows A 278.Leontopodium chinensis 10-20cm Shika Shan China silvery grey plant 10-15cm alpine meadows A 279.Leontopodium ochroleucum 3100m Alai Kyrgystan grey lanate plants 10-20cm alpine meadows A 280.Leontopodium soulei 4200m Da-Xue-Shan China silvery grey plant 10-15cm alpine meadows A 281.Leontopodium af. Artemisifolium Shika Shan China dwarf silvery cushions hairy rosettes 10-20cm alpine meadows B 282.Lepntopodium strachey 3500m Min Shan China tufted peren leafy stems 10-20cm silvery lvs alpine meadows A 283.Leontopodium sp. 3900M T.Shan Kyrgystan very dwarf silver cushions 5-10cm alpine meadows A 284.Leiospora eriocalyx 3900m T.Shan Kyrgystan dwarf prostrate plant large rose to violet flws 3-5cm mountain grassland C 285.Ligularia algida 3800m T.Shan Kyrgystan dosely tufted narrow lvs big yellow flws 20-30cm stony slopes A 286.Lilium albanicum 2100m Komovi Monte Negro bulbs plants leafy stems 20-40cm yellow flws alpine meadows A 287.Lilium albanicum 1800m Mavrovo Monte Negro as above diffrent locality A 288.Lilium columbianum 1500m Cadwaller range Canada bulbs plant leafy strms 20-50cm orange flws alpine meadows A 289.Lilium jankae 1600m Durmitor Monte Negro bulbs plant leafy stems 20-50cm yellow flws alpine meadows A 290.Leontopodium alpinum 1500m Mangart mts. Slovinsko dwarf silvery cushions hairy rosettes 10-15cm alpine meadows A 291.Leptarhena pyrolifolia 1500 North Cascades Canada leaves more eliptic 5-10cm cream to white flws moist slopes B 292.Lomatium macrocarpum 1500m Okanagan Canada ternately leaves pinnate lvs 15-30cm yellow or purplish flws rock crevices B 293.Linum capitatum 1800m Pirin mts Bulgaria glaucous lvs basal leaves in rosettes 10-20cm yellow flws mountain slopes B 294.Linum cariense 2100m Sultan Dag Turkey very dwarf dense cushions 2-5cm digger yellow flws stony ridges C 295Linum mucronatum ssp. mucronatum 1800m Bozkir Turkey dwarf dense cushions 10-20cm golden yellow flws dry hills B 296.Linum mucronatum ssp. armenum 1700m Sivas Turkey dwarf plant 10-20cm golden yellow flws stony slopes B 297.Linum hirsutum ssp anatolicum 1600m Goreme Turkey erect ascending leafy stems 15-30cm pink to levander flws sunny slopes B 298.Linum hirsutum 1800m Boz Dag Turkey erect peren leaved stems 20-30cm blue flws dry hills A 299.Linum suffruticosum 1800m Pyreneje Spain dwarf beautiful plants 10-20cm white creame flws limestone sunny place B 300.Linum tenuifolium 2100m Bolkar Dag Turkey erect leafy stems 15-25cm many blue flws sunny stone slopes A 301.Lindelofia olgae 2800m Pamir Kyrgystan tufted plants 20.30cm violet flws alpine meadows A 302.Lindelofia stylosa 4300m Ladakh Indie tufted plants 20-30cm dark blue flws gypsum hills A 303.Linum obtusatum 1800m Ermenek Turkey erect leafy stems 10-20cm pale blue flws. Dry stone slopes A 304.Luetkea pectinata 1700m Wenatche mts Canada 5-20cm white flws moist places A 305.Marrubium globosum 1900m Bey Dag Turkey compact cushions lanata rounded lvs 15-30cm white flws stony slopes A 306.Marrubium ascracanium 1900m Ermenek Turkey 20-35cm dark purple flws silver lanate rounded stony slopes A 307.Matthiola anchonifolium 1800m Gok Pinar Turkey low strongly white tomentose peren linear lvs 10-20cmdark brown flws stony slopes B 308.Meconopsis aculeata 3800m Rothang pass Indie nice plants 20-40cm bright blue flws alpine meadows A 309.Meconopsis horidula 4800m Annapurna Nepal dwarf plant 20-30cm solitare blue flws scree stony slopes A 310.Meconopsis integrifolia 3500m Min Shan China stems 20-50cm big yellow flower alpine meadows A 311.Meconopsis rudis 4400m Chola Shan China glaucous-green strongly spined lvs bright blue flws 20-40cm rocky slopes A 312.Merendera pyrenaica 1800m Pyreneje Spain bulbs plants10-15cm autumn pale rose alpine meadows A 313.Minuartia juniperina 2000m Nif Dag Turkey compact spined cushions 10-20cm white flws stony slopes A 314.Minuartia kashmirica 3800m Gaghwall Himal Indie dense pale green cushions 10-15cm short linear lvs white flws rock crevices B 315.Moltkia aurea 1500m Bozkir Turkey compact tufts of narrowly silky silver lvs 10-20cm yellow flws dry slopes B 316.Moltkia aurea 1500m Ermenek Turkey as above diffrent locality B 317.Moltkia caerulea 1500m Elmanli Dag Turkey like above but dark flws B 318.Moltkia petrea 1400m Biokovo mts Croatia small suffruticosa shrublet 10-20cm blue flws limestone rocks A 319.Michauxia campanulata 1600m Al Dag Turkey plant to 1m hairy lvs many white flws across stony slopes A 320.Mimulus lewisii 1900m Wenatchee mts Canada stricky-downy perenial 20-30cm pink-purpless flws moist places A 321.Narcissus rupicola 1700m Quadarama Spain bulb plant solittary yellow smaller flws 10-15cm alpine meadow A 322.Onosma ambigens 1800m Burdur Turkey perenial plants 15-30cm pale yellow flws grassy hills A 323.Onosma aucheranum 1700m Taskhent Turkey perennial stems 15-30cm oblong spathulate lvs yellow flws limestone slopes A 324.Onosma taurica 1500m Konovska hills Bulgaria tufted plants silver lvs yellow flws 20-30 cm stony slopes A 325.Onosma bornmuelleri 1800m Dirmil pass Turkey perenial caespitosa plant 15-30cm creamy pale yellow flws limestone slopes A 326.Onosma thracicum 10-30cm Vitosa mts Bulgaria stems 15-30cm linear oblongate lvs pale yellow flws rocky slopes A 327.Origanum acutidens 2000m Karagol Dag Turkey cushions woody at base orbicular lvs 10-20cm pink rose flws stony slopes A 328.Origanum hypericifolium 1600m Nif Dag Turkey tufted plant 20-40cm erect leafy stems very nice purple bracts stony slopes A 329.Origanum rotundifolium 1200m Sarigol Turkey similar to acutidens but smaller glaucous-green lvs pink flws rocky slopes A 330.Origanum sipyleum 1800m Sandras Dag Turkey subshrub to 30-50cm tomentellous at base corolla pink flws steppe A 331.Oxytropis foetida 2800m Alps France dense spirea pale green cushions 10-15cm yellow flws sunny screes A 332.Papaver alpinum ssp. rhaeticum 1700m Dolomity have basal tufted 5-10cm white flws limestone rocks A 333.Papaver tianschanicum 2500m T.Shan Kyrgystan dosely tufted plants 10-20cm yellow flws gypssum hills A 334.Parrya pinatifida 3200m T.Shan Kyrgystan caespitosa plant 5-10cm rose pink flws gneis crevices C 335.Parrya pulvinata 3200m T.Shan Kyrgystan caespitosa plant 5-10cm linear lvs big white flvs gneis crevices C 336.Patrinia intermedia 2800m T.Shan Kyrgystan dense tufts deeply tufted lvs 20-30cm yellow flws alpine meadows A 337.Paeonia mascula ssp. arietina 2000m Bayburt Turkey erect stems 30-50cm large red flws forest clearings B 338.Paracaryum racemosum 1800m Sivas Turkey tufted plants narrow grey hairy lvs 10-20cm dark blue flws steppe B 339.Paracaryum ancyritanum 1600m Yozgat Turkey bienal stems 15-40cm early basal lvs ultramarine flws steppe A 340.Parnasica cabulica 4200m Rothang pass Indie dwarf plant 10-20cm big white flws alpine meadows A 341.Pelargonium endlerchianum 1800m Ala Dag Turkey tufted plants 15-25cm several carmine red flws screes stony slopes C 342.Phlomis armeniaca 2100m Sultan Dag Turkey cushions narrow strongly lanate lvs 15-30cm yellow flws dry stony slopes A 343.Phlomis frutescens 1600m Parnass mts Greece perennial 10-30cm ovate lws yellow flws rocky slopes B 344.Phlomis linearis 1700m Ercias Dag Turkey tufted plants white lanate lvs 20-30cm yellow flws stony hills B 345.Phlomis sieheana 1800m Salda laka Turkey perenial 15-30cm leaves lanceolate yellow flws vulcanis slopes B 346.Phlomis angustissima 1600m Burdur Turkey basal leaves stellate tomentose, 20-40cm yellow flws serpentine scree B 347Phlomis carica 1700m Denizli Turkey oblong crenulate to crenate lvs 20-40cm yellow flws steppe B 348.Phyteuma pseudo-orbicularis 2100m Vranica mts Bosna dense tufted linear lvs 10-20cm pale blue flws alpine meadows A 349.Ptylotrichium spinosum 1800M Cazorla mts Spain many branched spined subshrub 10-20cm pink flws stony slopes A 350.Prunus prostrata 1800m Ermenek Turkey low prostrate subshrub short dentate lvs pink flws limestone slopes B 351..Phacelia sericea 2100m Wenatchee mts Canada tufted plant 10-20cm dark violet flws stony slopes B 352.Penstemon davidsonii v. Menziesii 2100m Wenatchee mts Canada 10-20cm subshrub prostrate pink purple flws alpine meadows B 353.Penstemon procerus v.tolmiei 2100m Wenatchee mts Canada prostrate subshrub 20-40cm blue-purple rocky places B 354.Penstemon richardsonii 1800m Washington tufted plants 10-25cm blue-purple flws rocky slopes B 355.Phyteuma confusum 1900m Vranica mts Bosna densely tufted perenn linear short lvs 5-10cm blue flws stony slopes scree A 356.Potentilla atrosanquinea 3400m Garhwal Himal Indie tufted plants 10-25cm dark red purple flws alpine meadows A 357.Potentilla microphylla 4200m Rothang pass Indie doselly tufted plants 5-10cm white flws rocky open B 358.Potentilla pamiroalaica 3200m Pamir Kyrgystan very dense cushions 5-15cm yelow flws stony slopes A 359.Primula auriculata 2300m Pontic Alps Turkey glabrous dentate lvs 15-30 cm pink flws wet places near water A 360.Primula clusiana 1800m Alps Austria dwarf tufts green glabrous lvs purple flws limestone rocks B 361.Primula deorum 2100m Rila mts Bulgaria tuft cushions forming plants pink red flws 10-15cm wet places B 362.Primula dryadifolia 3500m Beima Shan China dwarf compact cushions 1-4big rose-purple flws screes C 363.Primula exiqua 1800m Rila mts Bulgaria very tine plants green lvs 5-10cm pink flws moist places A 364.Primula glaucescens 1800m Alps Italy tufts-cushions forming plants dark green lvs 5-10cm pink red flws stony slopes B 365.Primula longipetiolata 4200m Da-Xue-Shan China tufted narrow lvs lila purple to levander flws 15-25cm west places B 366.Primula meeboldii 5100m Kasmir Indie tufted plant 15-20cm narrow lvs big levander-blue flws stále scree C 367.Primula macrophylla ssp. moocroftiana 4100m Rothang pass Indie tufted plants 15-20cm narrow lvs purple flws scree B 368.Primula minkwitzii 3200m T.Shan Kyrgystan tufted plant 10-20cm bright pink-rose flws subalpine rocks C 369.Primula marginata 1800m Ceiron mts France tuft or cushions farinose lvs bluish lila flws 5-10cm limestone rpcks A 370.Primula orbicularis 4100m Min Shan China dense tuftes of narrow lvs yellow flws 20-30cm alpine meadows B 371.Primula pulchella 4100m Zhongdian range China dosely tufted narrow lvs purplish blue flws 10-15cm sony slopes B 372.Primula sikkimensis 4300m Beima Shan China robust plant 20-40cm yellow flws moist places A 373.Primula turkestanica 3400m T.Shan Kysgystan linear lanceolate farinosa lvs purple flws 15-30cm cold moist places B 374.Primula zambalensis 4300m Beima Shan China dwarf tuft lvs 10-15cm blue flws moist places B 375.Primula af. Alpicola 4200m Da-Xue-Shan China tuft many yellow flws 20-35cm alpine meadows A 376.Pulsatilla alpina 2100m Mt.Cenis France tufted plants 15-20cm big solitary white flws alpine meadows A 377.Pulsatilla ambigua 2100m Sajan mts Rusko tinale pinnate lvs 10-20cm big blue flws mountain meadows B 378.Pulsatilla campanela 3800m T.Shan Kyrgystan 10-15cm wider lvs dark purple violet flws alpine meadows B 379-Pulsatilla ocidentalis 2000m North Cascades tinate pinnate lvs 10-20cm creamy- white flws rocky slopes C 380.Phyllodoce empetrifolium 2100M Cascades mts Canada cushions of erect branches 10-20cm rose-purple flws subalpine forest B 381.Putoria calabrica 1700m Dedegol Dag Turkey very dwarf decumbent woody plant 5-10cm dark pink flws black berries A 382.Pterocephallus hookeri 4100m Shaluli Shan China densely tufted plant 15-25cm white to creme flws alpine meadows A 383.Pyrethrum karelinii 3500m T.Shan Kyrgystan small white hairy prostate pl. Large white flws 10-15cm gneis crevices A 384.Pyrethrum pyrethroides 3500m T.Shan Kyrgystan prostrate plant large white flws 10-20cm rocky slopes A 385.Pyrethrum transilliensis 3200m Talas-Ala-Tau Kyrgystan prostate plant large white flws 10-20cm rocky slopes A 386.Ranunculus gregarianus 2100m Pyreneje Spain high pinnasectus dark green lvs 10-15cm big yellow flws alpine meadows A 387.Ranunculus millefoliatus 1800m Pyreneje Spain leafy stems 10-20cm white flws alpine meadows A 388.Ranunculus pyrananeus 1800m S.Cantabrica Spain leafy stems 10-20cm white flws alpine meadows A 389.Rosa persica 2100m T.Shan Kyrgystan interesting low subshrub 10-30cm yellow red flws sunny rocky slopes B 390.Rhododendron camtschaticum low shrubs 10-23cm red flws seeds garden A 391.Rhododendron ferrugineum 2100m Mt Cenis France dwarf shrubs 50cm bright red flws alpine meadows A 392.Rhododendron hirsutum 2500m Maniva Italy dwarf shrubs 30-50cm bright red flws alpine meadows A 393.Rhododendron nivale 4100m Annapurna Nepal very dwarf shrubs 10-20cm red flws stony slopes meadows B 394.Rhododendron af. Nivale 4500m Yak Kharka Nepal dwarf shrubs 10-20cm dark red flws alpine meadows A 395.Rhododendron anthopogon 4200m Rothang pass Indie low shrub 30-40cm white to pink flws alpine meadows A 396.Rosularia libanotica 2300m Bolkar Dag Turkey small cushions 5-15cm white to pink limestone rocky slopes B 397.Rhodiola litwinovii 3600m Talas Ala Too Kyrgystan lefty erect stems 10-20cm pink or yelllowish flws rocky slopes A 398.Salvia caespitosa 2000m Ala Dag Turkey dwarf plant woody at base grey-green hairy lvs white flws 10-20cm stony hills C 399.Salvia hypergea 1900m Ojuklu Dag Turkey narrow white lanate lvs 20-40cm blue flws dry stony hills A 400.Salvia lavandulifolia 1800m S.Nevada Spain low grey tomentose 10-25cm blue violet flws dry stone slopes A 401.Salvia pisidica 1400m Bozkir Turkey shrubb plant 10-20cm grey hairy blue white flws rocky sunne slopes A 402.Salvia ringens 1900m Karadzica mts Makedonia tufted peren green lvs big dark blue flws stony slopes 20-50cm A 403.Salvia yazdagensis 1200m Aksaray Turkey erect branched stems 20-30cm white lanate lvs white flws rocky slopes A 404.Saponaria caespitosa 1800m D.Oreol Spain tuft or small cushions 10-15cm pale pink flws limestone rocks A 405.Saponaria lutea 2100m Mt.Cenis France dwarf cushions lvs 5-10cm yellow flws rocks crevices A 406.Saxifraga ferdinandi coburgii 2100m Pirin mts Bulgaria grey-green cushions 2-6cm dark yellow flws limestone rocks B 407.Saxifraga ferdinandi coburgii 2100m Falakron Grece as above diffrent locality B 408.Saxifraga marginata 1700m Karadzica mts Makedonie dense green cushions white flws 2-5cm limestone rocks A 409.Saxifraga marginata ssp. coriophylla 2100m Vranica Bosna as above diffrent locality big rosettes A 410.Saxifraga federici-augustii ssp.grisebachiana 1800m Karadzica Makedonie grey green rosettes 5-8cm purple flws gritty soil draining crevices B 411.Saxifraga sempervivum f. Stenophylla 1800m Orelek mts Bulgaria small cushions grey linear lvs 2-5cm red purple flws stony alpines meadows B 412.Saxifraga pentadactylis 1800m S.Cantabrica Spain green grey cushions white flws 5-15cm acis rock A 413.Saussurea velby 2500m Xivu China stems 15-30cm leaves oblong-lanceolate with purple flws open rocky slopes A 414.Scutellaria oligodonta 2800m Talas-Ala-Too Kyrgystan decumbent leafy stems 10-15cm yellow flws alpine scree A 415.Scutellaria przewalskii 2900m Alai Kyrgystan dwarf prostate mats 10-15cm brown-yellow flws alpine scree A 416.Scutellaria orientalis ssp. bicolor 1800 Ermenek Turkey low cushions 5-10cm purplish red flws steppe B 417.Scutellaria orientalis ssp. cretaceus 1800m Bolkar Dag Turkey compact cushions yellow with bronze centre flws 5-10cm stony slopes B 418.Scutellaria orientalis ssp pinatifida 1900m Karaman Turkey low cushions 5-10cm yellow flws deeply pinnate lvs limestone stone slopes A 419.Scutelaria salvifolia 2000m Ercias Dag Turkey green stems 10-20cm sulphur yellow flws stony slopes A 420.Sedum sempervivoides 1800m Sultan Dag Turkey grey solitary rossettes dark red flws stony slopes A 421.Scabiosa pseudograminifolia 1800m Gok Pinar Turkey linear-lanceolate lvs 20-30cm dark violet blue flws stony slopes hills B 422.Scabiosa songarica 2800m Naryn Kyrgystan linear lanceolate lvs 20-40cm violet blue flws rocky slopes B 423.Silene gonosperma 3200m T.Shan Kyrgystan caespitosa plant 5-10cm hairy\ green lvs white flws gneis crevices B 424.Silene bizhaunica 3200m Talas Ala Too Kyrgystan prostrate plant 5-15cm green lanceolate lvs white flws scree A 425.Silene acaulis ssp. longiscapa 2600m Alpy France green cushions solitare purple flws 1-5cm stony slopes A 426.Silene falcata 1800m Uju Dag Turkey compact dwarf cushions lineary hairy lvs creamy white flws 10-15cm rocky slopes B 427.Soldanella alpina 2100m Alps France green cushions kidney like lvs 10-15cm violet flws alpine meadows B 428.Soldanella cyanaster 2100m Pirin mts Bulgaria green cushions kidney-like lvs 10-15cm violet flws alpine meadows B 429.Solidago multiradiata 2100m Wenatchee mts Canada mainly basal lvs 10-30cm yellow flws alpine slopes and meadows A 430.Stachys lavandulifolius 1800m Taskhent Turkey silver green cushions 10-20cm pale rose flws alpine meadows A 431.Swertia alternifolia 3900m Rothang pass Indie elliptic leaves pointed 15-25cm large pale yellow flws alpine slopes A 432.Swertia przewalskii 4200m Anyemaquen China tufted plant erect stems 10.-20cm yellow flws alpine meadows A 433.Smaullhausenia nidulans 3200m T.Shan Kyrgystan herbs to 20-40cm tall stems solitary purple brownish flws alpine meadows B 434.Tanacetum argenteum 1800m Ermenek Turkey silvery-grey cushions deeply cutted lvs white flws 10-20cm limestone rocks A 435.Tanacetum densum 2000m Nemrut dag Turkey dwarf compact cushions grey pinnate 5-15cm solitare yellow flws rocky slopes A 436.Tanacetum heterotomum 1800m Gok Pinar Turkey dwarf subshrub 10-30cm white of cream flws rocky slopes A 437.Tanacetum sericeum 1800m Ala Dag Turkey dwarf compact cushions 5-15cm yellow flws limestone rocks A 438.Tanacetum tibeticum 4800m Zanskar Indie dwarf suffruticose silvery grey cushions 5-15cm yellow flws rocky hills A 439.Teucrium sandrassicum 1900m Sandras Dag Turkey low shruby base laevis linear stems 15-30cm lilac purple flws serpentine C 440.Thermopsis lanceolata 2800m T.Shan Kyrgystan smaller plant 20-30cm yellow flws alpine meadows A 441.Trollius asiaticus 2200m Sajany mts Rusko tufted plant to 40cm big orange flws alpine meadows A 442.Tulipa armena ssp. armena 2100m Sultan dag Turkey bulbs plants 10-15cm blight red flws with blacks centre stony slopes A 443.Tulipa dasystemon 3100m T.Shan Kyrgystan bulbs pl. Linear lvs 5-15cm yellow flws alpine meadows A 444.Tulipa greigii 2600m T.Shan Kyrgystan bulbs plants linear lvs 20-25cm red flws sunny alpine meadows A 445.Tulipa violacea 2200m Bolkar Dag Turkey bulbs plant dwarf beautiful plants 5-10cm big violet flws dry loam places B 446.Tulipa af zenaide 2600m Ala Archa Kyrgystan bulbs plants linear lvs 10-20cm red flws alpine meadows B 447.Thymus marchallianus 3100m Talas Kyrgystan green cushions pink flws 2-5cm stony slopes A 448.Thymus cilicicus 1600m Korkuteli Turkey compact cushions wooda at base many rose-pink flws 5-10cm dry stony slopes B 449.Thymus longicaulis ssp. Chuabardii 1800m Sandras Dag Turkey cushions to mats narrowly lanceolate lvs pink flws 10-15cm alpine meadow A 450.Typhonium diversifolium 3500m Garhwall Himal Indie low arecea plants 10-20cm brown-purple greenish flws alpine meadows A 451.Veronica multifida 1900m Sandras Dag Turkey decumbent leafy stems 5-10cm many dark blue flws dry stony slopes A 452.Veronica orientalis 1800m Tskhent Turkey decumbent stems 5-15cm green lvs many dark blue flws stony slopes A 453.Veronica oetaea 2000m Pyrgos mts Greece small plants 5-10cm glabrous dentate lvs many dark blue flws limestone rocks A 454.Vela spinosa 2300m Sierra Nevada Spains strongly spined shrub 20-50cm pale yellow flws stony slopes A 455.Veronica schmidtiana 1800m Ikizdera Turkey decumbent leafy stems 10-15cm dark blue flws stony slopes A 456.Viola kosaninii 2100m Suva Planina Makedonie woody at base leafy scapes 5-10cm bright pink flws screes C 457.Viola doerfleri 1800m Kajmackalan Greece dwarf plant 5-10cm silvery grey lvs solitary violet flws alpine meadows A 458.Linum univerne 1800m Rhodopy Bulgaria glaucous lvs 10-20cm yellow flws alpine meadows B 459.Hallophylum suaveolens 1800m Karaman Turkey subshrub lanceolate oblong lvs 10-20cm yellow flws rocky meadows B 460.Lomatium dissectum 1800m Okanagan Canada grey green lvs 10-30cm purplish white flws stony steppe A 461.Fumana thymifolia 1800m Salda lake Turkey small to above butt all plants glaucous yellow flws 10-20cm stony slopes A THE SEED WERE COLLECTED MAINLY CHINA KYRGYSTAN HIMALAI TURKEY DOLOMITY ALPY PAYMENTS CAN BE MADE BY BANK TRANSFER OR WESTERN UNION SMALLEST ORDER IS 10 BAGS OF SEEDS PLEASE SEND HEN ORDERING SPARE SPECIES PRICE CATEGORIES A-2€ B-3€ C-4€s 



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